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Threat: Follow up to Stranded but not Alone (Dragoslava Connection) Page 6

  “Damn…that’s willpower. I’d had Sim pinned against the wall by now…”

  “Seth…shut the hell up…you didn’t cheat on Simone,” he confessed again and this time the cut sank deeper into his heart.

  “Guess I’m the smarter one of the two of us.”

  “I guess so.”

  Chapter 6


  Inside the warm foyer of the rustic chalet, her eyes trailed the path Mikhail and Seth veered off to disappear around a thick wall. A second doorway, had to be the private area, and she followed the example of the other guests, tapping the snow off her boots onto the mud tray, squatting low to the floor to untie them. Tucking the boots in the cubby then removing the key, Bethany clipped it to her ski jacket. Heated floors warmed her toes as she padded across into the lobby where soft country music filled the air in a subconscious suggestion to slow down and enjoy the view beyond the large window.

  Beautiful and serene, this was exactly what she needed to move past the ugly of the day.

  Licking her tongue out, she drug it across her lips, swearing she tasted paprika and sage; no wait, not sage, tarragon. Her mother made the best tarragon, rosemary crusted pork loin, and buttery rutabagas when she lived back in the states.

  Smiling at the memory, she inhaled the unmistakable sweet aroma of butter cooking, arresting her attention all the way from the kitchen. Craning her neck, Bethany strained to see around the milling crowd attempting to narrow down the direction from where the sinful aromas were coming from. She spotted a large kitchen with an island big enough to sleep on and an even bigger draft hood hanging from the middle of the ceiling with soft lights glowing down over the marbled surface. That was what she’d loved to have one day in her home. Her new home, because she couldn’t go back to the condo.

  Enough food to feed an army covered every surface of the stone island. How many people were up here? She peered around the chalet. Her gaze followed the people emerging from a long hall to a large fireplace behind her in what appeared to be a common space. The walls glowed a warm peachy color. Peach…she forced the image of her lingerie from her mind. She pulled off her hat, tucking it in her pocket along with her gloves to rub her hands together.

  The chalet was beautiful with the high honey-colored beams on the ceiling. Bethany stopped ogling the place when her arm hit the registration desk, and a man’s friendly face stood smiling from the other side. She rummaged through her purse retrieving her wallet. Showing her ID, she waited while he compared her features to the face behind the laminated picture, then gave her a closed lip smile. He made a quick copy for is records.

  Checked in, all she wanted was a hot bath.

  Walking past the kitchen, she couldn’t help but stop when she noticed Mikhail hugging a beautiful black woman. She could not be jealous. She didn’t want him anymore. So why was it hard to breathe?


  In the shadows, watching Mikhail holding this other woman, so kind and gentle, Bethany held her breath fighting hard the jealousy welling in her heart. Had he wanted her to see him with another woman? Was he taunting her for breaking up with him?

  The woman returned the bear hug happy to see him, gripping him with a fierce hold.

  “I’m okay, really,” he said assuring her swinging her around the kitchen.

  “If I weren’t so relieved to see you I’d…,” she started, closing her hands over his face, brown eyes sparkling with unshed tears. “You ever scare me like that again, and I'll unleash your brother on you for making me cry.” Her embrace and kiss he absorbed like medicine straight into his veins. There was no doubt he loved this woman.

  He set her away from him. “You look good Simone.” Whirling her in a circle by the hand, a long dark thick braid swung behind her. “Hard to believe you had two babies four months ago,” he complimented winking back at Seth. “Now where are my nieces? I have a surprise for both of them.”

  “Napping,” she said taking his jacket placing it on the hook beside the back door.

  Nieces…that’s Seth’s wife, she thought with a chagrin of embarrassment and fell back against the wall, shaking her head. Of all the emotions to be plagued with, jealousy wasn’t one she was familiar with. Why hadn’t he mentioned his sister in-law was black? Because Mikhail placed women in two categories, available and unavailable, and Simone was unavailable.

  An older couple crossed the floor, drinking coffee and slapping Mikhail on the back. The woman had red and silver hair and the man lean and blond. That had to be his parents.

  On tiptoe, she peered over the counter past the big bowl of fruit, to see Mikhail dip down and pull up a bag from his duffle. Reaching inside, he handed Simone two little powder blue boxes and two stuffed teddy bears.

  “The minute I saw the bears I thought of you calling Seth Russian bear, Simone. I figure you have two cubs now and those are necklaces for their first day of school. I know it’s years off, but I’ve never been an uncle before.”

  Simone held the gifts to her chest placing a kiss on Mikhail’s cheek. “This is precious. Thank you Mikhail.” Simone showed Seth the necklaces. He smiled, shaking his brother’s hand.

  “That’s nice man. We appreciate it.”

  “So what’s new with my family?” Mikhail asked dropping the bag to the floor.

  “Well if your brother has his way, which I’ve given in a lot recently, we’ll be looking for a home out here in Vienna or the vicinity. I want to stay close to the Danube River if possible. It’s nice along the water from what I remember.”

  He shot Seth a look. “You’re moving out here?”

  Anya clapped her hands together showing her excitement. “I would love to have you move closer. Simone the girls will love the mountains.”

  “Mihail,” Josef started, pointing to pictures of a younger Mikhail on the walls, “Remember when we came up here when you were a boy before your mother and I bought the land. I’ll take the girls fishing when they get older, they’ll love it,” Josef admitted taking a drink from his large coffee mug.

  Fishing, hunting, swimming, skiing, horseback riding, who was this mountain man in a suit she’d fallen for, and what had he done with Mikhail?

  “Seth you haven’t said anything. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m out of the country weeks at a time.” He paused staring at Simone. “That’s a big burden on Sim to be alone with the twins so often.”

  “My baby’s aren’t a burden,” she warned.

  “Sim, you just want to fight me on this because you like London. You’ll grow to like it here too. I promise.” A gentle pleading followed in his relaxed posture. “Baby, I want you to enjoy being a mother not be weighed down by it. You want to get back to your photography. Having family around you can.”

  “Don’t try and sweet talk your way out of that, buddy.”

  “I love you libeling, and I want my wife happy and safe.”

  “Seth,” Mikhail said, “my house in the city has three floors. Simone can bring the girls when you’re in Italy next month. Get a feel for the area and see if she likes it before you drop down money for a house.”

  She’d never seen this family man side of Mikhail, only the businessman and playboy. Who was the real man?

  The chalet buzzed with a guest arriving behind her in the lobby, but she couldn’t stop watching the dynamics of the core of what shape this man.

  Mikhail coveted his beautiful home like a baby for him to open it up to Simone and the two babies said so much about his love of family.

  She’d crashed there a few nights when the city worked on the street in front of her condo making it dicey getting in and out without scratching her Range Rover. That expensive truck Mikhail talked her into buying. Funny how he’d given her a key to his truck in case he blocked her in seeing as they were going to the same office building.

  She shook herself; they were over, don’t go there.

  “Sim…” Seth prodded with a glint in his eye. He licked out the tip of his tongue.

/>   Bethany’s seen that before on Mikhail. Seduction was a family trait with these men.

  Simone tapped Seth’s thigh. “Running your tongue across your lips is not helping to sway me, Seth.”

  “Then maybe I should…”

  She held her hand up warding off his teasing advances. “Okay, okay, before you start to strip, I’ll give it a chance.”

  “I’ll strip for you later,” he taunted with a thick browed wink.

  “Yes you will—” She finished tracing a hand up his arm. The love between them was staggering. “We still have to discuss the job offer, though.”

  “What job offer?” Mikhail said wildly looking between the faces filling the room. His brother smirked a frown eyeing his wife with a hint of love Bethany could feel in the air.

  “An Asian cruise line wants me to shoot the marketing material for their three ships.”

  “What’s the problem?” Anya asked.

  “Her ex-boyfriend recommended her, and they’ll be working together. I don’t want him anywhere around Sim.”

  Ex…what had she walked in on? She cringed not wanting to infringe on their family moment, but her feet refused to move. She wanted to see how Mikhail’s twin handled an ex, maybe he’d hear how she felt about him going to Gemme.

  “The Hamada Cruise line postponed it last year because of other obligations. They’re ready to take their maiden voyage in a few months, and they only want me as the marketing photographer.”

  “Seth, you can’t let her pass this up,” Mikhail said, pointing to framed photographs around the updated kitchen.

  Seth said in a low dark voice, “Ronald’s a reminder of the baby Simone lost. I don’t want my wife going through that again.”

  She’d had a miscarriage. Why hadn’t Mikhail told her about all this before? Bethany stayed, making certain not to intrude, but curiosity kept her there to listen.

  “Honey, you can’t hide me from my past. I want you behind me on this.”

  Bethany caught the sad tilt to Mikhail’s eyes as he watched the scene unfold. The look on his face tugged at her heart. He loved his family.

  Seth inclined his head to nudged Simone’s nose, speaking over her lips. “You don’t need my approval to take a job.”

  Could he be any sweeter with his wife? Bethany chewed her lip watching the adorable couple.

  “I’m not looking for your approval.” She raised up on tiptoe hooking a hand in his waistband. “You trust me to make sound decisions the same as I trust you. I need and want your support as my husband. As my family.”

  She inhaled the love.

  “My support is automatic where you’re concerned. I’m just not happy about Ronald anywhere around you.”

  “I know,” she replied her eyes locked on Seth’s. “I love you for being honest with me.”

  Bethany felt swamped by their love, her nerve endings tingling from the pulse in the air. She couldn’t be the only one who sensed the vibe rolling off them. God they were sick with love, with precious appreciation and respect for the other’s needs. She fought the urge to sidle up beside Mikhail and hold his hand, but they weren’t Simone and Seth. They weren’t even Bethany and Mikhail anymore.

  She hated feeling broken but kept feeding off their love.

  “Your talent deserves an opportunity like this. I won’t let anything stand in your way, not even this big Russian bear.”

  Bethany coughed, hoping they hadn’t seen her acting like a teenager hiding behind her invisible wall wallowing in the love on full display before her. Not to mention seeing the longing on Mikhail’s face for what his brother had. He envied Seth. He wasn’t the only one, she envied Simone.

  The woman saw her and waved her inside. Seth walked off down a hall and disappeared.

  Four sets of eyes stared from around the room.

  “Hi, I’m Simone—Mikhail’s sister-in-law. You must be Bethany Cansler.”

  She gaped at the woman as if she had a third eye, embarrassed at the relief she wasn’t his girlfriend. “Pardon me. I wasn’t expecting to see…another black woman up here. Oh, wait that sounded terrible. I mean…”

  Simone laughed. “It’s okay, we’re Mikhail’s family. Black is still a minority up here, but they love and feed me so that’s all that matters.” She smiled tucking hair over her shoulder.

  She covered her blushed skin with her hands. “Was it that obvious?”

  “Mmhm…it’s okay. It took me forever to get accustomed to the thick accents and local slang,” she admitted. “I like the people and the culture. You’ll get used to it.”

  Bethany tucked hair behind her ears. “I live here now, I should be less aware anymore.”

  Simone waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it,” she assured, offering a bright smile. “Is this your first trip up to the lodge?” Was she that green? Bethany set down her carry-on and extended a hand.

  “Again, my manners are atrocious today. Hi, I’m Bethany Cansler. A friend of mine talks about this place all the time. She loves it, and I’m excited to be here.”

  “Seth says you’re from Michigan…where, I’m from Wayne County?”

  Bethany held a hand to her chest in surprise. “Washtenaw County close to the Showcase building. I was telling your husband the scenery reminded me of Michigan, where I grew up.” She paused peering out through the kitchen window. “It favors Oscoda County, back in the sticks.”

  “Michigan is such a beautiful place,” Simone crooned. “My new family thinks they have the monopoly on gorgeous mountains, but I have to brag up my home. Michigan can hold its own with any country. Tell me I’m wrong, Bethany?” she said with the flirty air of a sibling.

  “I have to agree, Michigan’s forests, mountains, and waterways are spectacular,” she said. “It’s nice to meet someone from home, Simone. I do feel a bit more relaxed.”

  A petite woman the size of a preteen with glorious red hair came over and walked Bethany deeper into the room. “Come out of the doorway and get you something to eat. You’re as frail as a rag doll.” She smelled like warm bread. “I’m Mikhail’s mother, Anya, and this is my husband Josef.”

  Josef came around the counter; tall, lean, and blond, but obviously a military man. Everything about the way he moved screamed order. She could see where Mikhail learned to be organized. “I see my son has the same taste in women as his brother.”

  She blanched shaking his strong veined hand.

  “No offense young lady. You’re a beautiful woman.” He politely eyed her from the floor up to her eyelashes. “Mikhail’s last two women were Swedish.”

  She cleared her throat shrugging her shoulders back. “I’m not Mikhail’s woman. I work for Heinemann’s as a Financial Representative.”

  Josef slipped a glance to Mikhail.

  “Bethany’s my employee who was kidnapped at the firm today. She’s been through hell and I just want to get some food in here.” Mikhail hesitated giving his mother a thoughtful glance as her large eyes held sadness. The mouths dropped as everyone moved her from girlfriend to victim. “Detective Munson was assigned to the case, and we all know Bethany won’t get a fair trial being it’s for our family’s company.”

  “Why would they put him on the case,” Simone asked. “I nearly died last year waiting for him to find me.”

  “I don’t know,” he said.

  “This was best—bringing her up her then,” Josef said turning to Bethany and asked in his German authoritative voice, “Were you hurt young lady?”

  Bethany tugged at her scarf hanging over her chest. “Just sore from where I was tied up and a bit embarrassed from all the attention. I don’t care to be in the spotlight.”

  Mikhail nodded. “We’ve both had a long day so I’d appreciate it if everyone kept as much of what’s going on within the family.”

  “You want me to believe there’s nothing between you two?” Anya said setting out a platter of lunchmeat and breads then began making sandwiches. “Do you like corn beef or pork Bethany?”

nbsp; How did this loving family produce a playboy?

  She walked deeper into the room unzipping her jacket, letting it hang open. “Pork is fine thank you, but I’d like to take a shower first if it’s okay then I’ll come back to eat.”

  She looked at the faces staring at her and Mikhail perched on the hearth of a low fireplace in the corner, his peace palpable in the bosom of his family. He was home. Happy in their love…the way she missed hers.

  “There’s history between myself and Mikhail, Mrs. Shamochernyi,” Bethany tried to clear up but the family wasn’t having it.

  “And the future between you two?”

  Simone waved a hand. “Anya let her get in the door before we scare her away being greedy for another female to join our crew. “Is this your first trip up to the lodge?”

  Was she that green?

  She looked up as Seth came strolling up the hallway into the kitchen holding two little bundles against his chest.

  Mikhail hurried and set his beer on the counter, rubbed his hands on his jeans and cradled one of the babies to his chest then the other.

  “Zoya and Eva, this is your Uncle Mikhail.”

  He just stared at their faces, brushing kisses over their curly hair, rocking on the balls of his feet. He’d told her about Evelyn, the woman he’d dated a few years ago, and how they’d broken up because she left for a man who was ready for a family and he wasn’t ready to settle down. But the look on his face as he held the babies said he regretted walking away from that woman. He wanted a family. But he hadn’t wanted one with her. Bethany bathed in that truth, and it chilled her like ice water.

  “Zoya and Eva are the perfect names,” he said kissing their little faces. “Karma’s good to a deserving man. You have to be the proudest father on earth.”

  Seth winced, shaking his head. “With my past, if it were up to karma,” he said a sadness filling his eyes, “they wouldn’t be here. This is what the love of a good woman does when you don’t fight it.”

  “Simone you did good, giving us the most beautiful additions to this crazy family.”

  “She didn’t do it alone.”